Colour Accent using any of the above

Colour Accent using any of the above

This images was inspired by a book I saw which is all about businessmen and their suits.

A street cleaner in Hangzhou China. I approached this very kind man to take his picture to which he agreed. I took a couple pictures and was subtle trying to manoeuvre him so that the red street sign behind him was visible. I then waited for a bus to fill in the other side of the image. I have few other versions but this one with the crop to cut out the overcast sky, worked the best.

I approached this man outside the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square he seemed to have been placed there perfectly for this assignment. His blue suit and green tie and cuff links balance the grass. The only thing I would have preferred is a wide lens, as I wanted more of the grass to balance out the blue better. He was happy to allow me to take the photo as I told him I did not want to include his face I just wanted his suit against the grass.

With this image of the telephone box and the lady with the red hand bag, I spotted the orange cup next to the phone box and thought it would be good to get two telephone boxes the cup with a red bus plus someone walking past in red in the same picture. I waited for a while and whilst I got a few variations of the idea, the strongest one was this one with an unusually silver painted bus. But, the black coat and the posture of the woman with the red handbag make the image dynamic. The swing of the bag seems to point you towards the cup and the single telephone box that is visible. This cropped version concentrates the relationship of the main colours. The orange pops out between the to red elements either side it. Having more detail of the telephone box and the lady did not add to the image.