For the Sequence exercise I choose the storage facility where I rent space. I choose this because there is always movement with the guys loading and unloading trucks, testing and moving equipment. 

I wanted to show the sequence of events that leads up to a truck leaving the building and all the decisions taken up until that point with Ian as the main focus.

In the final image I feel I got the kind of image I wanted to get. 

In choosing a subject for the sequence, the main stumbling block I find is in the approach to and approaching people. 

Because of the subject, a music / band orientated facility I wanted to go for a grungy, rock and roll look to the images. Technically, I found controlling the ambient light difficult which rendered most of the images with blown out whites. I think it would have been better to take and use a flash to stop down for the ambient light and use a fill in flash for the subject. As this was friends at work I felt it best to keep things low key and not disrupt them too much.  I feel I demonstrated the idea of the sequence but compromised the potential of the images. 

I can see how an image is as much about the person taking the image as it is about the image itself.