1) Sweet and Sour.
Buenos Aires, Argentina outside the Banco Patagonia. While walking around during the day I noticed the two boys who were very young and obviously street kids. I approached them to take a picture but they were very aggressive so I just turned and walked away. After I had walked around for a while and before I returned to my hotel, I wanted to see if I could see the boys again and maybe attempt a picture. I found them sound asleep where I had seen them before. I took a few pictures from both sides of the bank. I first framed the boy to the left edge as a vertical frame then tried from the right side with people exiting the bank. I settled on the left side as it was possible to get both the boys in. I took a few frames as people walked past then the two girls walked into frame. I started taking pictures as they got between the boys. As they got closer to me they made it conscience that they knew I was there. Of the frames I took there are two that have the right feel. I chose this one because as the girls got closer to me they exaggerated their movements. In the frame before this one the girls have a less exaggerated expression on their faces but I chose this one because the slight over exaggerated expression made them look more sexual and with their clothes it made the sweet side of the image more colourful. This is how they where dressed, nothing was done in post to emphasise them. The frame after this the girls stopped and gave a modelesque pose to the camera.

2) This is Steve outside the Stratford Broadway shopping centre east London. I approached him to take his picture which he said yes to. As I was taking pictures a woman from the shop he was sitting outside brought him a meal from McDonalds. He gave his dog coffee to drink.
3) Still - Moving - Homerton train station

4) Still - Moving - Homerton train station. I wanted the graphic elements to look right, ordered and clean looking. Because I was using a slow shutter speed and no tripod I kept the camera pressed to my face as people exciting the station walked by.

7) Continuous - Intermittent Bike stand outside Victoria Park, Hackney
8) Continuous - Intermittent Underpass Hackney Wick

9) Thick - Thin Block of flats Hackney

11 ) Large - Small St Pauls London

12) Large - Small Meedhoo Island, Maldives. This was a haul building shed in Meedhoo. Because of the scale and depth provided by the guys making the haul and by the way the light was falling to the back if the shed, I tried to go for a Salgado- esque look to the image.

13) Black - White Entrance of the Cathedral of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil. This feels like a black and white image although it is in colour. The roof of the entrance and the shadow cast on the floor give a sense of black and white against the wall of the entrance. You have the man who is begging in a white tee shirt and the boy with a skateboard in black. You have the contrast also in the colour of their skin. Also, you feel a sense of social divide in the reaction to him from the people leaving the church.

14) Black and white. Also feels like a black and white image in colour. I tried to divide the frame in the style of Mondrian and Fibonacci ratios.

15) Transparent - Opaque Hackney, London. I liked this title but found it a challenge to make it work. When I saw this window I thought it could work. I waited a while to see if someone would appear in the left side of the window but no one did.

16) Transparent - Opaque Home, Hackney London. Wanted to get the reflections on the window looking like it was in it's own frame with the window frame creating a divide.