CLOUDY WEATHER AND RAIN pg 127 4-6 images

Cloudy Weather Pt 1 - Sunlight and Under Cloud - 4 pics


Between the two exposures, taken on different days, the difference, even though both days are December winter days and not summer, is 2 stops.


Cloudy Weather Pt 2 - Shadowless light - Detail - Colour - 3 pics

Cloudy detail with strong colour

This image of a woodland entrance I think benefits from the overcast day as the was no harsh sunlight to change the look of the greens in this scene. I think had it been a bright day the scene would have been more contrasty with the possiblity that subtlty of scene would not have been captured.

Cloudy Weather Pt 3 - Rain

Bus stop Chester

Luckly, this bus shelter's advertising display did not have an advert mounted so the light from the florresent tubes provided a light source that was reflected by the rain soaked pavement. Fortunately, this night time jogger decided to use the bench to stretch during a break in his run. The shape that he made was disected by the rained on bus shelter pane and his exposed body.